Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Poll Gadget Acquired

If you look to your right and just above my portrait photo, you'll see a survey question. Anyone and everyone who reads this blog is allowed -- nay, encouraged -- to vote. I also encourage my fellow EOU CJs to create polls on their own blogs; it could spark some great posts and comments all around.

To add gadgets to your blog, just click the "Customize" link on the navigation bar at the top of the browser window when viewing your own blog. This will take you to the layout editing page. Find an empty spot on your layout and click on the "Add Gadget" link. This opens a pop-up window with a list of free gadgets for your installation pleasure. Just click on the one you want and follow the instructions.

My inaugural poll concerns the main controversy surrounding Senate Bill 786, the Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act, which was voted into law by the state legislature last week. While the law broadens overall religious freedom by protecting workers' rights to wear articles of religious clothing (like the Muslim hijab or the Jewish yarmulke) on the job, it specifically avoids overturing an earlier state law that forbids teachers from doing so. Should that law stand? This topic came up briefly during one of Ray Brown's classes for the Blue Cohort, but we did not spend much time discussing it.

The poll closes next Thursday (July 30) at 11:00 PM. If you really want to sound off, feel free to add comments to this post. I will withhold my opinions until next Friday, so I don't sway the voting ahead of time.

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