Tuesday, July 21, 2009

First Time at the Board

Introductions are in order: I am enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande. After the next thirteen months, I should be ready to teach middle school or high school math -- as ready as any greenhorn CJ can hope to be. This blog will track my progress through the MAT coursework and student teaching in the La Grande School District. When I finally get hired on somewhere as a proper math teacher, I will blog through the triumphs and tribulations of my first full-fledged gig.

I founded this blog at the behest of Sharon Porter, one of my MAT program instructors, with the goal of sharing our thoughts and experiences with EOU faculty and our fellow student teachers. Having said that, you are more than welcome to read and comment, dear reader, even if you have stumbled across this blog from the outside. Comments from well-weathered educators are especially welcome.


  1. Awesome post Dave!! Can you post on my blog and bring in some interest? :-)

  2. I have done so. I will also add a list of blogs that I follow to my own page; that should send a few more folks your way.

  3. David,
    The Crick school sound Native American in structure. Shannon Carrothers-Christopher
